Monday, October 19, 2009

Beach Baby!

We went to Ocean Isle beach to celebrate Mommy's birthday! Gus took to the beach right away. He liked looking at the sights and the sound of the waves put him right to sleep. We collected shells and Gus's Grammy made a wreath for him. It was a nice, relaxing little family vacation.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Visit from NaNa and Pop

We were happy to have my parents for a visit at the beginning of October. They were amazed at how much Gus had grown and changed. We had a good time and NaNa and Pop spoiled us all. Gus is blessed with 3 sets of grandparents - what a lucky little boy.

3 Months!

For Gus's 3 month birthday, he had the pleasure of meeting his Poppy, Gram, Aunt Lissie and Cousin Elise. It was the first time meeting our little niece, also. Since I had just started back to work, Poppy, Gram and Aunt Lissie took care of Gus for us. We had a great time together and we are reminded of how much love and support we have in our family.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Livin' on Tulsa Time!

We took Gus to Tulsa, OK to visit family and friends. He met his GREAT grandfather (Pop Pop) and spent time with his grandparents, Auntie Mur, Uncle John and cousins Cassie and Sam. We had a great time and Gus was a good boy in the airplane coming and going.

Gus smiles!

Here is Gus showing off for Daddy! He recently started smiling (not due to gas)! His smile makes us so happy!

Aunt Kimmie's Visit

Here is Aunt Kimmie holding Gus during her visit earlier this month. Gus took a shining to her right away. She has an amazing knack for lulling him to sleep and calming him. Gus was very happy to get some Q. T. with his Auntie, as you can see in this photo!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Gus w/big ol' cloth diapers

Gus taking his first bottle with Daddy

Gus in his sling with Mommy

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Gus is a month +

Gus is 5 weeks old! We can hardly believe it. He is growing before our very eyes and weighed 8 lbs,12 oz last time we checked. He is getting a little more regular about eating and sleeping, but if he does not get to eat as soon as he's ready, watch out! The pictures above summarize his main moods, but he has so many amazingly cute expressions in between. We officially started using cloth diapers today, which is something I've wanted to do since I found out I was having a baby. In case you didn't know, cloth diapers have come a long way and are more user friendly. I'll soon post a pic of Gus's big ol' cloth diaper bottom.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Gus Update

Gus is doing wonderfully! He is growing everyday as a result of his hearty appetite . When we brought him home from the hospital, we discovered that all of his clothes were TOO BIG! He was swimming in size 0-3 outfits. We got him a small supply of size Newborn clothes and he is just about to outgrow them. This video was taken on his 3 week birthday. It pretty much sums up a typical moment in the life of Gus. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Well, the word is out that our little baby boy has arrived. He was a surprise to us all, especially his mommy and daddy. I woke up Sunday, June 14th after a very restful night's sleep, and was IN LABOR. It was pretty hectic since we had not packed our bags for the hospital or made any arrangements for anything. Poor Jason was running around trying to pack, time my contractions, and make phone calls. My labor progressed quickly and we barely made it to the hospital in time. I was in the delivery room for 2 hours. Gus was born the old fashioned way, assisted by a midwife, with Jason and my sister there for support. Jason helped deliver Gus and my sister photo documented the whole event. It was seriously the most amazing day of our lives so far.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Jason Practicing with the Baby Bjorn

One of the great gifts we've received is the infamous Baby Bjorn. It really is nifty - as you can see my childhood Cabbage Patch doll fits in it nicely. We call him our practice baby.

AMS Baby Shower

The wonderful staff at my school held a baby shower for us. It was so nice. Check out the rockin' cake! We received some really nice gifts, mostly books as we were needing some good ones. I love my peeps at AMS.

Garage Sale May 16th

We had a garage sale a few weeks ago. It was amazing how much extraneous stuff we've acquired since we moved to Asheville. The sale was a success and we were able to get rid of a lot of our junk. This carload is all that was left and it went straight to Goodwill.

The garage sale was one of the major projects I wanted to get done B.B. (before baby). Now we have room for more STUFF!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

4 D Ultrasound of baby

Here is a picture of our baby at 27 weeks. We are at 33 weeks now, so we are getting close!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Here is a belly shot. I'm about 32 weeks along in this photo. I still have some growing room...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hi there! We are joining the world of blogs to keep everyone posted on our little baby boy. We are not that great at keeping up with the Jonses, but we'll do our best to post something regularly. Enjoy!