One of the great gifts we've received is the infamous Baby Bjorn. It really is nifty - as you can see my childhood Cabbage Patch doll fits in it nicely. We call him our practice baby.
The wonderful staff at my school held a baby shower for us. It was so nice. Check out the rockin' cake! We received some really nice gifts, mostly books as we were needing some good ones. I love my peeps at AMS.
We had a garage sale a few weeks ago. It was amazing how much extraneous stuff we've acquired since we moved to Asheville. The sale was a success and we were able to get rid of a lot of our junk. This carload is all that was left and it went straight to Goodwill.
The garage sale was one of the major projects I wanted to get done B.B. (before baby). Now we have room for more STUFF!
Here is a belly shot. I'm about 32 weeks along in this photo. I still have some growing room...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Hi there! We are joining the world of blogs to keep everyone posted on our little baby boy. We are not that great at keeping up with the Jonses, but we'll do our best to post something regularly. Enjoy!