Monday, October 19, 2009

Beach Baby!

We went to Ocean Isle beach to celebrate Mommy's birthday! Gus took to the beach right away. He liked looking at the sights and the sound of the waves put him right to sleep. We collected shells and Gus's Grammy made a wreath for him. It was a nice, relaxing little family vacation.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Visit from NaNa and Pop

We were happy to have my parents for a visit at the beginning of October. They were amazed at how much Gus had grown and changed. We had a good time and NaNa and Pop spoiled us all. Gus is blessed with 3 sets of grandparents - what a lucky little boy.

3 Months!

For Gus's 3 month birthday, he had the pleasure of meeting his Poppy, Gram, Aunt Lissie and Cousin Elise. It was the first time meeting our little niece, also. Since I had just started back to work, Poppy, Gram and Aunt Lissie took care of Gus for us. We had a great time together and we are reminded of how much love and support we have in our family.